Afterwards, we had some company stop by the house. A friend that went to high school with Doc Handsome was out our way visiting friends so she stopped by before. She's always so sweet and absolutely hilarious to be around!
Now we are waiting on my dad and sisters to get into town. They live on the other end of the state but were in the area for a friend's wedding. They're staying at our house tonight and tomorrow we're celebrating Easter together. A nice little surprise considering I thought it'd just be us this year. I think we're going to Mass in the morning. Doc Handsome is excited to cook breakfast for my pops. We went to the commisary today so he could buy ingredients for french toast, pancakes, ommlettes (sp?), or something as simple as cereal. He said they need options. Think he wants to impress my dad much?!?!? It's rather cute. We went to Target and bought Easter baskets for my younger sisters since they still believe there is truly a bunny who brings gifts.
I will admit it too. I am excited for my dad to see our house. I can remember the last time he ever saw our house which was over a year ago. We had no furniture and the furniture we did have was cheap hand-me-down worn out items. I feel like we've really worked our behinds off to be able to afford the nice things we own now. Some things took over a year to pay off and we really put a lot of effort into making sure Mini DH has a nice home to grow up in. It will be nice to show my dad how far we've come. From the first rinky dink apartment we had in LA to moving a million places, and now having a home that I am not embarrassed to invite friends and family into.
Ok, I think I've done enough rambling for one sitting. I'm off to pack the girls' easter baskets before they get here. Goodnight.
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