As I wrote about before, I was very torn on two career paths. Elementary school teacher or lactation consultant. Both of which I'm very very passionate about. After much research into lactation consultant, I realized in order to ever do that my best bet would be to have a degree. There are much higher chances of getting into the industry and becoming a ceritified LC once I obtained that. I mauled over my options and decided I needed to follow the calling I've had longest. (Cheesy right?!) Teaching has always been a passion and at times in my life, the only thing standing between me and teaching was that darn degree. I was either interested in pursuing other adventures or just too lazy to put in the years. Now after actually pursuing my greater adventures and finding happiness, I am ready to stop my nonsense and buckle down.
Teaching here I come. My goal is as follows. After finishing my Associates in approximately one year, I can begin work at a preschool so I will then be working in my field of interest. About a year and a half later, depending how quickly I work (or how slowly I work for that matter) I will have my Bachelors Degree. Then it's off to getting my credentials and finishing up my Master's. I'm really reveling in delight to think that by the time Mini DH is ready for Kindergarden, I can hopefully be teaching. I know by then we will most likely have more children (God willing) but to know that I can have the same schedule as my school aged children gives me comfort. Comfort knowing that daycare won't have to be an option, I hope. I can have the joy of holding a career but be a stay at home mother at the same time. And hopefully continue to be our children's primary teaching source. Even though let's face it, us parents only have those first few years before school starts to be the primary educator. Then all the outside world influence drains in...
If, after 20 or 30 years I decide I'd like a break from teaching (which I don't forsee happening) than I can apply to become a certified lactation consultant since I will already have much of the prerequisites knocked out. Even if I never become a certified LC, my dream would be to help educate woman and families on the benefits of breastfeeding. To share the struggles, obstacles, and perserverance it takes to make it through to the amazing bonding stage.
Today I have my first class online which is just a three day workshop for student orientation. I am so excited I'm bursting with joy. Doc Handsome has been so supportive and "quite impressed" as he put it by my endeavors to get enrolled. I don't think God could have given me a better partner.
Thanks to all my lovely family and friends who have given me advice, support, and knowledge to get to this point in my life.

If you need any help/advice, let me know. I have been teaching for 5 years. I've done regular education and special education and between the two have taught 1st-5th grade. Next year I'm doing pre-k!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on this new chapter of your life! I'm happy for you.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! What a great step in the right direction. I have looked into UOP and they seem like a wonderful institution especially because you can attend classes anywhere. Yay for you!
ReplyDeleteWhoo hoo!! I am so proud and excited for you! I know you've wanted this for a long time!
ReplyDeleteGood luck on school. I enjoy your blog & new follower. I also left you something on my blog
ReplyDeleteOh dear! This is good news!!! I am so proud that you are taking this step towards a better fulfilment. I pray for wisdom, knowledge and understanding for you. I'm sure you will do good....go get em girl!
From an IBCLC (and former teacher from long ago): Don't forget, you could always become a La Leche League Leader or WIC peer counselor as another way to support and educate breastfeeding women. And they both would confer hours that you need toward IBCLC certification as well. I am a nurse now but I got my hours toward IBCLC before that, by my role as an LLLL. I get paid now to do LC work but I still don't ever want to give up my LLLL role, it is very special. It is not a full-time thing, so has always been a doable activity, even when my boys were babies.
ReplyDeleteI think that getting your degree is a great idea - always get the most education that you can! Best wishes :)
Your spotlight is up on my blog!!!
ReplyDeleteAwesome! I am a new follower, also an early childhood professional (preschool has always been my calling) and also very passionate about breastfeeding - currently expecting my fourth child. :)
ReplyDeleteHave you been involved at all with LLL? I considered becoming a La Leche League Leader at one time, and you might find that you really enjoy it.
Come check out my blogs sometime - my deployment blog is at and my pregnancy blog is
Hi! I'm new to your blog. I found you on the spotlight on Musings of an Army Wife.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on making a career decision and deciding to go back to school! I got my degree from UoP as well. I loved it! If you ever have any questions or anything feel free to hit me up!
I hope you don't mind if I pop into your blog from time to time. Have a great day!