Saturday, March 13, 2010

The Gun Show

Today Doc Handsome, Mini DH, and myself headed to a gun show happening in our city. We had never been to one prior so needless to say, Doc Handsome was quite excited about going. Not to add, he's been on the "let's buy a gun" kick since he got home from deployment. Well, in all honesty, I don't know when he hasn't been on that kick. He even went shooting this week to try out guns that way he'd know what he likes. The gun show turned out to be a complete let down. We had heard mixed things about them. I think we've decided that there were more cons than pros. We didn't find a gun we liked and Doc Handsome was a bit bummed at the selection, or lack there of.

After the gun show we stopped by my best friend's work for a few minutes to say hi. We hadn't seen eachother since our trip to see family last week. This visit was followed by a exhaustion fit from Mini DH. And then Doc Handsome headed out of town to visit some of his friends. Unfortumately, all his friends live far from the base that we're living at. So I put Mini DH to bed and decided I should work on my blog. It's nice having some "me" time and I know that Doc Handsome enjoys having man time. You know men, they crave those bromance relationships! The ones where vulgarity and curse words are the main staples of conversation.

On a side note, one of the guys Doc Handsome befriended while on deployment wants to go vacationing in Lake Tahoe where our family owns a cabin. He's on leave from work till the middle of April and wants to take a trip somewhere. Looks like we might be heading there the first week of April. Mr. Virginia (we'll call his friend) was always checking up on me and Mini DH while they were deployed. When I flew to Virginia before they deployed, I met him and got to know him just a tad. Which was nice because he proved to be such an awesome guy. I know he and Doc Handsome had some good memories while gone. (Some of which I probably don't want to know!) So it will be nice if this vacation actually goes through.

Well I think I will call it a night and sign off here. I hope anyone reading this also has a good night. Even if I am just talking to myself......


  1. you aren't talking to yourself! Sorry to hear the gun show was a let down, but that is so exciting that you might get to have a vacation coming up! We love Tahoe!
    How is Mini Doc Handsome doing with the crib?

  2. Mini DH is doing really good with the crib! He naps and sleeps in there. Wakes up one or two times a night but then right back to sleep. Granted, there are always the exception nights but I think he's made a lot of progress.


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