It all started Saturday night. Doc Handsome went to work at the hospital from 11pm to 7am. I don't sleep too well when he's gone so I of course didn't go to bed till 2am. When he got home in the morning we woke up and drove 2 1/2 hours to our friends house. For the sake of the post, I'll call them Mr. and Mrs. Army. He deploys next week so this was our last chance to spend with them. Both their families had an awesome birthday party which was really nice because all the family is so welcoming and fun to be around. Not to mention, they make delicious food.
We went to Mr. and Mrs. Army's house afterwards when the guys went to the casino to play Texas Hold 'Em. Us girls stayed home watching Army Wives (what an emotional episode!) and giggling over silly stories. Mini Doc Handsome crashed out in his pack'n'play in their bedroom.
You know how to tell if you have amazing friends? When they give up their bed so the baby can continue to sleep without waking him....considering they only have a week or two before he leaves.
We ended up staying the night since it was so late. At 1am when we went to bed, Mini DH decided he didn't want to sleep in his crib anymore. The second I would put him in, he'd scream. So in attempts to let our friends get some rest, I pulled him into bed with us. This is NEVER a good idea. I don't sleep. The husband doesn't sleep. The baby doesn't sleep. Which in turn leads to crankiness in the morning. 6am to be exact. We had to leave before Mini DH woke up so he would sleep in the car.
After a long car ride home, Mini DH had a picture appointment to get some six month pictures done here on base at the Exchange. They had a free session for military families so we jumped on it a couple weeks ago. Tomorrow are our actual very first family pictures. I am so excited about getting them back already. We have amateur pictures that we've taken or family but it will be nice to have professional family pictures to hang on the wall.
I've also picked up a lot more hours this week at work. I normally only do 10-12 on Tuesdays and Thursdays because staying home with Mini DH comes first and foremost. Doc Handsome stays with the baby for those two hours and it's great because it's long enough to get away but he still doesn't have to go to daycare. My boss is gone for business this week so I am helping to keep up the office while she's gone.
My mind is running every which way tonight...
Mini DH also has his six month well baby check up tomorrow. I don't think I've been this excited for his dr. visit yet. Mainly, I want some sleep advice (how many nursing sessions at night), to find out if he advises starting solids (we're most anxious about this one), what percentile he's in now, and how he's progressing.
Oh, one last thing. Has anyone out there dealt with their baby biting during the teething stage while nursing? It's becoming a huge problem. Maybe someone has had experience and can offer some suggestions. I guess I'll add that to the list of doctor questions too....

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