Where to start? God has blessed me beyond measure. As a 20 something Navy wife, I'm married to my Hospital Corpsman, Doc Handsome, for over two years now and together over three. We have one amazing (I might be a tad biased) little boy, Mini Doc Handsome, born October 2009. Although I am mostly defined by my titles as wife and mother, I am also a daughter, sister, Godmother, friend, granddaughter and above all else, thankful to God for everything he has provided. I work part time, go to school full time, and play the roll as mamma and wife all the time!
We just survived our first 10 month deployment. While Doc Handsome was gone, I went through pregnancy and gave birth to Mini DH. Four months later, Doc Handsome came home. I'd say my life is dedicated to my husband's pride for our country and our little man. Finishing school and teaching elementary school lies ahead in my future. I hardly know all there is to know about being a Navy wife but I certainly enjoy the frustrating yet exciting life that the military has offered thus far.
I started this blog as a way to keep our families who live far in touch with our daily life. It's grown to much more than that and now I've found connections through other gals who share the same way of life as myself. I'm not into the follower count or award winning. It's just not for me. I do enjoy reading others experiences and trying to share mine as much as possible.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Starting off the day with photos
Mini Doc Handsome just went down for his morning nap so I thought I would update with pictures from his doctor appointment earlier this week. The paper in the office is, without a doubt, his most favorite part.
We're off to do a bunch of errands today. I have to go into work for a little bit and Doc Handsome has work from 7 tonight to 7 tomorrow morning again so I am on my own with the evening routine.
I love hearing feedback and always encourage different opinions and views. Keep it respectful and I promise to consider your point. Thanks for stopping by...
he is so cute! I can't wait to see him (and you guys!)