This is OUR day military spouses! The one day we are recognized by the Nation as a force to be reckoned with! Hopefully your man in uniform appreciates you everyday and you feel the love all year long, but enjoy today as the day JUST FOR US.
"We come in all...
"We come in all...
Some of us are Army-strong, others of us are in the Air Force-blue, there are a few proud Marines, a wealth of Navy and the ever-vigilant Coast Guard.
We love our soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines, and coasties. Most of us don't wear the uniform but all of us swoon (deeper than a civilian can understand) when we see the uniform.
We keep the home-fire lit and our babies at bay. We manage the home-front with grace and ease mixed with a few fumbles and a bit of heartache. We may not be "issued" but we are chosen!
We depend on friends, mentors, networks and far away family to get us through the tough times.
We use strength to carry us. Distance to mold us. Tears to soften us. Laughter to brighten us. Perseverance to humble us."
(LeeAnn from
The President also issued a proclamation regarding today's Military Spouse Appreciation Day. You can read it here if you're interested. I always like reading what the Big Wigs over there at Capitol Hill say about military families.
So to all my lovely spouses...wives and husbands (because husbands stand behind their woman in uniform too!) I appreciate you and hope that today is one that you feel love from more than just your family. Without you, without us, our servicemembers would have no motivation to come home, to fight for a better tomorrow, and to inspire others to do the same.
Happy Military Spouse Appreciation Day!!
P.S. Don't forget to send those girlfriends, fiances, and boyfriends a thank you too. We all started out in their position. And someday they will be in our shoes.

ReplyDeleteThanks for giving a shoutout to girlfriends :)