Monday, March 22, 2010

Breaking News. We've got a turned over baby here!

That's right! For the first time on his own, Mini DH turned over from his back to his tummy. He did it a couple times today. One time mastered it, the other times, one arm was still tucked under him. I remember his cousin having the same problem when he first started turning over so I know he'll get the hang of it soon enough. He was 5 months last Thursday so we knew it would be just around the corner. I have to say, it was one of the more exciting milestones he's reached thus far. Second to laughing of course.

In other news, Doc Handsome went to a Nursing Staffing Agency that he worked for prior to his deployment today. They are hiring him back onto the team! He wasn't too happy there but it looks like he will be getting different shifts at different clinics and hospitals so there is promise of better days.

Yesterday we went to the harbor to get out of the house. There ended up being a quaint little Farmer's Market with a bunch of booths where people were selling handmade things. It was a nice surprise and a fun little outting. It truly is the simple things in life that make the journey so memorable.

A few pictures of Mini DH attempting to sit on his own.



He loves pushing the stroller. I never get the opportunity to anymore. He missed out on it for four months so I think he's trying to make up for lost time!

Doc Handsome's love for salt water taffy.

And his second stuff! Apparantly they made their salsa from an imported pepper in India. Doc Handsome said it was unlike any other he has tasted. I was too much of a baby to try. I think pepper is spicy!

Don't they look identical? I don't see me in Mini DH anywhere except the nose.


Mommy and me

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad that better days are ahead!! I know DH wasn't thrilled about going back, but it's good that things will be better!
    (I can't wait for June and G to hopefully get this new job!)
    How fun you got to go to the Farmers Market! There is one right up the street from me on Saturday's but it doesn't start until May! I can't wait!!
    And WAY TO GO mini DH!!!
    LOVE the pictures!!


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