Monday, March 15, 2010

Housewife Stigma?

I have come to realize many things about being a mother. One in particular is on my mind.

Today when we were at the tax office here on base to get our taxes done, we had to answer a series of questions. Of those questions, the man in uniform asked me, "What is your job title?" As I answered, "Homemaker" (afterall that is what I am at the moment) I felt the man thought I was perhaps...incompetent?

There seems to be a stigma on housewives these days. From the reality shows of "Real Housewives of Orange County" (Atlanta, New York, and wherever else they decide to go) to the feminist movements of women being more than the cookers, cleaners, and mothers; it's been almost implanted in our minds that being housewives do little, next to nothing. The stereotypical notion is that we spend all day shopping, meeting with girlfriends for lunch, and having a relaxing day with the children playing and goofing off. When in reality, I spend all day dealing with a baby who pees on his face, a dog who wants to run around the entire base like an outdoor cat, and the responsibility of making sure our child is growing spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically. Sound like quite the undertaking yet? Keep this in mind: I only have one child right now. Try multiplying that by 2, 3, 4, or more.

As I felt conscience-stricken all day, I thought about what it means to be a homemaker and came to a new understanding. Just as they call the parent who makes the money, the breadwinner or dough maker, there is a reason the homemaker is called just that. We are what makes the house we live in (wait for it.....) A HOME! (Betcha didn't see that one coming huh?) At the end of the day, it is USUALLY the woman (or the more feminine partner) who adds that warm touch. From pictures hanging in frames, to the sensitive and tender love we offer, there is no mistaking that the homemaker has just as an important job as the breadwinner and the career person. Without us, the house wouldn't quite have the amount of warmth and emotion that is offered by a women's touch.

So for those other mammas or homemakers out there feeling like I do (I sure hope I'm not the only one), keep in mind you are valued, cherished, and add a special dynamic to your family that cannot be replaced.


1 comment:

  1. Stef you're doing a great job. There's no higher calling for a woman than wife and Mama. No matter what the tax man implies :)

    Love from one Mama to another,
    Auntie Cassy


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