Monday, May 3, 2010

Welcome to our home

Just thought I would do a little show and tell of our home. A lot of our families read this blog but since none live close, they've never seen what our humble abode looks like. I'm miles away from the right amount of "home-y-ness" that I'd like it to be but it is where we rest our feet at the end of the day...and that's what makes it special.

I only took pictures of every room with the exception of our room. Our bed is still on the floor because I lost some Ikea pieces to the bedframe in the move. Once our room is all put together, I will put up a few pictures. Along with pictures of the exterior of our home. I love the the surrounding area and the spanish feel. Not to mention, hearing the National Anthem every morning is surreal.

Welcome to....Mini Doc Handsome's nursery. I'd like to get his name up on the walls but haven't got around to that yet.

The beautiful glider my mom bought us the day Mini Doc Handsome was born. It's been my savior from long colic hours to 3am feedings. I also love the little blue wall decoration that one of his aunties bought him that says "Jesus Loves Me."

His only window with his A's toy box that my mother in law bought him.

His military stuffed animals. The sailor monkey was made by me and Doc Handsome when I was pregnant with Mini Doc Handsome. We made it at Downtown Disneyland the day before he left for deployment. The camo bear and pilot monkey were made by my two best friends for the baby when he was first born. The little digi-cami bear was sent to me from Doc Handsome when I was pregnant. Then of course there's his Daddy Doll that he got for his first Christmas. And that little lamp is his night light. God forbid he doesn't have his night light. In all actuality, I am probably more attached to that thing than he is. My mom bought it for my room when I brough the baby home from the hospital. It reminds me of her.

His little bookcase that we also keep clothes in. We liked this idea better than a dresser although someday when he's not getting into everything I'd like to get him a dresser. The picture frame says "Dad and Me" and was bought for Doc Handsome during the Christmas he missed while on deployment. It has a picture of the first time they laid eyes on eachother at the airport. And of course the amazing Diaper Genie. How we love you Diaper Genie!

The crib my Dad bought him when I was 5 months pregnant. My dad was so excited. Of course, another neccessity, his mobile. That thing he truly can't sleep without. The quilt that's hung on the back side was made for him by a special family friend. Within the threading, she hid secret messages for us to later find. His name is in their and other precious sayings.

Our changing table with his A's hats.

One of my favorite things in his room. My little brother made this for him in the waiting room when Mini Doc Handsome was born. My mom framed it as a Christmas present. Such a precious gift that I know he will cherish later on. I blurred out the names. =]

Now on to our kitchen.....

Dining room and kitchen table. Oh and that's Mr. Kong.
A view from the living room facing in towards the breakfast bar of the kitchen.

Into the living room....

The mini bookcase. You can see the sliding glass door to the left that leads out onto the patio.

The main part of the living room.

The traditional sailor kissing girl when WWII ended picture.

Doc Handsome calls this his "favorite wall."

Behind these two doors are our washer and dryer. When you first walk into the house, there are two closets on either side. One has a built in bookcase where all our other books are. Directly in front of you are these doors. If you go right, you'll find the living room and kitchen. If you go left, there's a hallway that leads to the two bedrooms and the bathroom at the end of the hall.

This is the hallway standing from the bathroom. Mini Doc Handsome's room is the furthest away and ours is the closest.
Doc Handsome's mom painted this for us and wrote a heartfelt message on the back. She's an amazing painter and is painting us an awesome beach theme now.

And this is the bathroom standing from the hallway. Of course I didn't have the shower curtain shut so you can't see it, but it's a deep chocolate with turquoise touches and chocolate bathmats too. We are lucky to have such a huge bathroom. I'd say this is Mini Doc Handsome's favorite room because he loves the mirror. We call his reflection 'mirror baby." So whenever Mini DH stares at pictures of himself all over the house or in a different mirror we always joke that "mirror baby" is following him.

So that is the main gist of our home. I'll add our room and the outside as soon as I can. Thanks for stopping're welcome anytime!


  1. Thank you so much for posting pictures! I've been dying to see your sweet home!! I love it! You are an amazing decorator!! Our walls are still pretty bare :(

  2. Awww thank you. I feel that way about parts of our house still. When we were at your house, I thought it had such a warm home-y feel. I loved it and from what you posted of O's room the other day, I love love love his room!


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